How To Reverse Menopause Weight Gain

Anyone who’s not familiar with menopause says, “just eat less.” But if eating less was that easy, why does almost every woman over 50 struggle to firm up? As it turns out, 3 major mistakes are holding most ladies back.

Hi, my name is Mary. I remember my mom and grandma talking about menopause, but I never imagined it would be THIS frustrating.

From listening to people lecturing me, “you must be eating more than you realize…” “are you adding olive oil without watching the amount…” to weighing myself daily… it all took a toll on me.

I often went to bed hungry, but no matter how little I ate… The scale wouldn’t budge.

I was stuck at 176lbs. And if I ate an extra serving of pasta for a couple of days… My weight would jump 3 pounds up or more.

I was this close to giving up. As a middle-aged woman, losing weight felt next to impossible.

The only reason I can open up about this period of my life? Over the last 4 months, I’ve managed to turn my situation around. 

Thanks to what I can only describe as luck, my midsection, thighs, and underarms have all visibly firmed up. I fit into clothes I haven’t been able to fit into for years. 

And the best part is, I did it all without starving myself, eating bland foods, fasting, or eliminating carbs.

I attribute most of my transformation to stopping 3 mistakes that held me back for years.

Older, wiser… and visibly firmer

I can’t overstate this enough: I still have a long way to go.

However, every time I slide into my skinny jeans… I can’t help but giggle like a little girl.

People that haven’t seen me in a long time struggle to believe their eyes, but nobody can deny my progress.

I see it staring back at me every time I look at myself in the mirror. 🙂

This didn’t happen because I’m somehow special or unique. Far from it. If I am honest, I tried every diet program under the sun over the past few years with little to no success.

In fact, I’m sharing my story because up until 4 months ago, nothing worked for me.

So if what I did this time worked for me when nothing else did… I know it can work for others too. Even, and perhaps, especially if regular weight management plans don’t.

Keep reading because I’ll tell you exactly what I did to drop the menopause pounds.

#1 – I stopped following popular diets

Weight Watchers, Keto, Noom, Intermittent Fasting, Nutrisystem, gummies, shakes… I’ve literally tried it all, only to gain all the weight I lost back weeks after I lost it.

I won’t say these solutions don’t work because I know they work for some people. But in my opinion, they simply can’t and won’t work for women going through menopause. 

See, a woman going through menopause is a very special case. 

The weight gain, migraines, anger, tiredness, and hot flashes at night happen because we’ve got a raging cocktail of hormones bottled up inside us.

Most popular eating strategies like keto and fasting can’t and don’t plan for these hormonal changes for one simple, logical reason. They’re simply not developed exclusively for women going through menopause. 

If anything, due to being so restrictive, they can actually make our hormones worse. 

I know this because every time I tried to follow popular diet plans… I soon experienced gnawing cravings, exhaustion, and brain fog. All of which caused me to fall off the wagon within weeks. 

But once I switched to eating meals that took menopause into consideration… most of these side effects softened, and some vanished completely.

#2 – I stopped spending on “fancy” supplements

I used to put supplements on a pedestal and was very prone to purchasing new brands whenever I saw a fancy ad. Throwing hundreds and hundreds of dollars down the toilet each time.  

See, what I’ve come to realize is that you actually don’t need any supplements at all. 

A supplement is nothing more than something you add to your meal plan in order to complete it. 

As a middle-aged woman, some supplements worth looking into are whey protein powders to prevent hunger, hydrolyzed collagen to help your skin age more gracefully, and Vitamin D because, let’s face it… you’re likely not getting as much sun as you should. 

But honestly, none of these supplements is required to improve your health. What matters most is finding a routine that supports the powerful hormonal changes you’re going through.

#3 – I stopped eating bland, unfun foods

Given my age, I was convinced that managing my weight had to be a long and cruel process of constantly eating bland foods. That I’d have to fight tooth and nail to look and feel healthy.

This couldn’t have been any further from the truth. Over the past 4 months, I’ve learned it’s possible to become healthier and lose weight while eating delicious meals every day, regardless of age.

Of course, I’m not suggesting you can eat junk like chips, MacDonald’s, and cookies, at least not every day. In our age group, we must be mindful of what we eat, as our metabolism is very different than it used to be.

However, with the proper support, it’s 100% possible to eat healthily and still enjoy every bite. I’ve found there are tons of delicious healthy recipes to try. I just didn’t know about them. 

And if you get a bit of help from the right nutritionist, you can even incorporate treats or a little cheat meal here and there into your meal plan. This worked very well for me, and it helped keep me motivated over time

The menopause weight loss protocol that worked for me

The protocol that helped me realize all this is called, a new menopause weight loss plan developed by Matt Jones, the Ex-Director of Nutrition at the University of Oregon.

Matt’s a registered nutritionist with more than 10 years of experience and a truly remarkable scientific background. 

He’s worked with elite athletes, including Olympians, and besides, he is also the Head of Nutrition at West Ham United in the English Premier Football League.

A big part of what compelled me to give’s membership a try is how there are real experts like Matt standing behind the program, putting their names on the line. 

My meal plan didn’t get developed by a nameless algorithm. I didn’t have to “trust the system” and hope for the best. I had a real, world-class expert supporting me, whose background I was free to fact-check at any moment.

Another huge factor was that my routine was specifically designed for women in my age group. The meals were planned carefully, taking special note of the hormonal changes my body’s going through. 

I know this because the usual cravings I used to experience whenever I started a diet like Keto went away fully after the first 7 to 10 days of  

And I know this because is the only protocol that empowered me to drop unwanted pounds.

I’m using the word empowered very intentionally. I started around 4 months ago, but just a few days ago…

I stopped’s membership – with their blessing!

They didn’t try to hook me on a “plan” that goes on and on and bills me forever. They didn’t try to trick me or make me reliant on them.

What they did is the exact opposite.

They prepared an easy-to-follow daily routine that enabled me to make progress toward my dream body… And gave me a complete nutrition education so I can continue making good progress on my own, for as long as I want, when I want, on my own terms.

Here’s what I got as part of my membership:

✓ A personalized meal plan that helped me firm up without starving, despite menopause.

✓ A coaching course that explained complex weight loss concepts in simple language. I feel a lot smarter about my food choices than before I started. 

✓ An exercise program that helped me sweat and grow stronger without hurting my joints. This was completely optional, but I found myself enjoying it, so I did it a couple of times a week. 

✓ An easy-to-use progress tracker to monitor my progress and weight over time. I can’t overstate how motivating it was to see small but visible results every single day.

✓ A community of like-minded women who kept me accountable and supported me. 

On top of all that, whenever I had questions, there was a team of (real!) dietitians, health coaches, and physiotherapists who were glad to answer my questions. 

You’re probably thinking all of this cost me hundreds of dollars a month, right? It was actually only a little over 30 cents a day. That’s so affordable I’d say it’s criminal NOT to give it a try, at least for a few weeks. 

This is why I put this together and wrote my story. I just want to get the word out because I promise you that no matter where you are right now, whether you’d like to focus on your belly, or your arms, your back, thighs, butt, wherever…

You can make progress, you can get healthier, and you can look the way you want.

You might be thinking to yourself, “great, yet another fad” but honestly, trust me, nothing could be further from the truth. 

And once you see how simple and effective it all is, you’ll see why I am raving about, and why I’m confident this is a great way to slim down, get healthy, and look great during and especially after menopause. 

You can try’s initial quiz-based assessment for free anyway, so you have nothing to lose. 

I can’t promise it will work for you as quickly and powerfully as it did for me.  But I know that for me personally, this is the only thing that made a difference.

I honestly feel so lucky to have discovered Matt’s work at the exact time I needed it, just when I was about to give up. 

Almost like fate. 

It’s truly changed my life. It’s the only program that worked when nothing else did. 

Trust me. Give it a go, and you’ll never look back.

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